Tuesday 14 January 2014

Lure fishing 14/01/13

Today I decided to spend my afternoon targeting the pike at my local syndicate lake. They may only be small, averaging around 2-4lb but size doesn't matter, catching fish of any size is all good fun.

Rod: savage gear bushwacker xlnt 3-18g 7ft6
Reel: fox rage ultron 2500
Main line: 18lb fox soft steel.
Leader: spider wire 10lb fluorocarbon and a 10lb wire trace
Ecogear grass minnow m and ikajaco fished on 5g size 1 savage gear jig heads.

I got the lake around 2pm and headed to the point swim in order to fish the rough ground in the hope of catching a few perch. After an hour and one missed bite which I'm sure was a perch, I headed of round the lake trying different spots as I went. 

I was fishing the ikajaco on a slow retrieve with regular 2-4 inch lifts of the rod tip, giving it an undulating action which really brings the lure to life.

I reached the dam wall and on my 3rd cast my ikajaco lure was engulfed by a miniature pike. 

I carried on round the lake and lost another pike which must have only been around 5 inches long. 

The ecogear range of soft plastics are heavily scented with their "dynamite taste and explosive scent". A lot of anglers don't think that scent makes much of a difference when lure fishing. I think they're very wrong. I've regularly out fished people fishing with un-scented plastics and when you look at how confidently the pike take these lures and how far back in their mouths the lures are I see it as hard evidence that scented lures do work. 

Later on I switched to the grass minnow m from ecogear. I fish this by casting it out, letting it sink, then retrieving it slowly just off the bottom. Again the little pike couldn't resist and I landed 2 more mini predators.

Someone was hungry!

As the sun set and the air got colder I headed home. If you haven't tried ecogear lures yet, check out their range here: http://www.ecogearfishing.co.uk

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